B2B Direct Mail: A Guide for Businesses [2022]

Direct mail is a unique marketing strategy that involves sending a variety of marketing materials such as physical letters, postcards, catalogs, brochures, self-mailers, packages, and more to your prospects and customers. Although it is used in both B2C and B2B marketing, advertising, and selling—it is more commonly used with consumers.

Because it is more commonly used with consumers, and because many of your competitors are leveraging and testing out digital marketing campaigns first—you have an advantage. Additionally, the majority of B2B marketers postpone engaging their audience with direct mail until further down the funnel, which means you can capitalize on their mistake and get in front of your prospects earlier.

Does Direct Mail Work for B2B?

Yes! Direct mail is one of the most effective channels for B2B marketers.

There is a tendency to delay B2B direct mail marketing due to the effort it takes to get it right. However, when done correctly, it often yields higher results over other marketing tactics, mediums, and approaches.

And the statistics speak for themselves:

  • There is a 79% engagement rate for direct mail
  • Response rate increases by 45% when digital and print marketing are combined
  • Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process and elicits a significantly higher brand recall than digital media

Due to the success rate of direct mail marketing—especially when used in conjunction with digital marketing campaigns—many B2B marketers are starting to integrate direct mail into their marketing strategies. It is becoming more and more clear that it is a touchpoint businesses need to incorporate into their 2021 marketing and sales strategies to see solid results and higher ROI.

How to Use B2B Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing can be effective throughout the entire buyer’s journey and marketing funnel. B2B marketers should consider each stage of the funnel and how to best leverage direct mail opportunities.

Top-of-Funnel Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing can be an effective tool to drive brand awareness. For example, sending a prospect a handwritten note introducing your brand or mailing some unique and useful swag items is a great way to increase awareness while going above and beyond old school mailers. You can then follow up by email with a CTA, which the prospect is more likely to open or act on since they have already interacted with your brand.

Middle-of-Funnel Direct Mail Marketing

Once your prospects are aware of your brand, they are probably starting to evaluate if your products or services are the right fit. And direct mail is a great way to stand out and set yourself apart from your competitors. For example, if a prospect attends a tradeshow and visits your booth, send a gift or thank you note!

Bottom-of-Funnel Direct Mail Marketing

When prospects reach the bottom of the funnel, they know about you, they have asked questions, and they have taken the time to learn about your business. Be sure to take advantage of direct mail by sending personalized direct mail and gifts to your prospects to encourage them to take the next step and get them over the finish line.

Best Practices for B2B Direct Mail Marketing

Developing B2B Direct Mail Lists & Targets

Postcards | UnitedGMG

When you decide to promote your business through B2B direct mail marketing, you can buy lists or create your own. Here are some tips:

  • Examine and use internal sources from your CRM
  • Gather addresses from external sources like company websites and directories
  • Make special offers on your website encouraging businesses to provide their information
  • Update your mailing list constantly to account for businesses asking to be removed or added

B2B Direct Mail Messaging 

B2B direct mail messaging is all about emotional connection. To get your B2B prospects to respond, your direct mail campaign’s copy should include one or more of the key emotional drivers: greed, fear, guilt, anger, exclusivity, flattery, salvation. However, the emphasis of all B2B direct mail marketing should be placed on how the company benefits.

Remember that your messaging should always talk benefits rather than features, or how the features of your products or services can help them. You’ll also need to build trust by showing your credentials, such as highlighting your professional accreditations, awards, business memberships, ratings, and testimonials.  

Measuring and Tracking B2B Direct Mail Success

When direct mail is done right, it generates a high ROI. However, you have to track and measure your efforts to understand the impact. Here’s how to measure the success of your B2B direct mail campaign:

  • Set direct mail campaign goals, such as increasing response rates, booking more demos, increasing sales of a specific product, etc.
  • Establish direct mail marketing metrics, such as response rates, conversion rates, close rates, customer retention rates, etc.
  • Calculate direct mail success, ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment x 100

B2B Direct Mail Examples

Some examples of B2B direct mail marketing include:

Swag Mailer | UnitedGMG
  • Unique and useful swag items such as tumblers, hand sanitizers, branded coffee, etc.
  • Promotional items with coupons, discounts, or special offers
  • Postcards with a short URL for a landing page you want prospects or customers to visit
  • Gifts or gift cards for prospects who have attended your webinars, tradeshow booths, etc.
  • Free samples of top products for prospects
  • Content kits composed of printed versions of your most popular resources
  • And more!

Get Started on Your B2B Direct Mail Campaign Today

We recognize how important it is for your brand to get B2B direct mail right to optimize response rate and return. At United GMG, we are here to support you through the process of integrating B2B direct mail marketing successfully into your campaign, so let’s get started today. Contact us to get a free quote or call to speak to a United GMG representative directly.

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